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Closing Film

Eun Jin is dumped by her boyfriend. On the day they broke up, she concluded that her boyfriend had always been a dreadful person. She got drunk on her way home, and got into a taxi with Hyun Suk, which turns out to be a serendipitous meeting. She has a romantic relationship with him, the like of which she has never experienced before, she cannot believe that she can have a genuine relationship with a guy like this. She is supremely happy when she suddenly discovers the true identity of this Hyun Suk, by sneaking a look at his smart-phone. Without even having the chance to cry, the true identity of Hyun Suk comes as a real shock for Eun Jin.
My Ordinary Love Story has been chosen as the closing film at this year’s PiFan, which starts off as a sweet romantic flick, with the progressing feel of a a mystery film: finishing on a truly scary note. Through the collaboration of genres, this film begins one way, finishes another having taken a truly unusual route: in effect offering a very realistic narrative, in an unusual setting. Director Kwon Lee has worked to his strengths in wisely integrating  romance and mystery with outstanding rhythm and timing, with the main actor and actress, Sae Byeok Song and Ye Won Kang, fulfilling their roles in the movie as the lead protagonists. The gloomy terror spicing the vintage atmosphere that runs throughout the film will surely be new and fresh to most: and this fine new genre film will be presented as the closing film at the PiFan 2014.